St Bruno-de-Guigues Airport

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OurAirports members at CTA4

St Bruno-de-Guigues Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 1 visitor.

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Picture of david


This little airport is a short flight north of North Bay, Ontario, on the east side of Lake Temiscaming. I believe it is the westernmost public airport in Quebec, or at least, very close.

I called today to ask about a Hope Air flight next week. The person who answered was very friendly, and he confirmed that 100LL is available for $1.60/litre tax included (not an unreasonable price for northwestern Quebec). You have to give notice if you want fuel, but the person was very friendly, and said he had no objection to waiting around a few hours if my arrival time wasn't certain. We spoke in French, so I'm not sure how easy it would be to get service in English.

Fuel enquiries: +1 819 629-4936

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