Calgary / Springbank Airport

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OurAirports members at CYBW

Calgary / Springbank Airport is the home base for 13 OurAirports members. It has had 48 visitors.

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Picture of david

Home of the Calgary Flying Club

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springbank ATC

I have flown in and out of Springbank a few times in the last couple years and found the ATC to be consistantly surly so it seems to be more a culture of attitude toward GA. I fly C space around alberta quit a bit and have flown literally across Canada bumping controlled space frequently, I've never experienced anything near as bad as Springbank ATC. After the first couple bouts with Springbank ATC I asked an instructor at the local school, a recently retired Airline pilot who flys recreationally as well AND NavCanada rep at a rust remover for an interpretation of the Northern approach instructions to Springbank; all provided a different interpretation. I use Spring Bank to commute to meetings in Calgary so my choices are limited. I'll start carrying a bottle of Mydol in the plane and when they get snotty with me again I'll give it to the women (with deep voices) in the tower.

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New Fuel Service Available- Central Aviation Inc.

Central Aviation now has both 100LL & Jet A available 24 hours on a card lock system. Accepts VISA & Mastercard. Located at the end on taxiway E.

(403) 242-9130.

Avgas $1.65 per litre including GST

Jet A $1.30 per litre including GST

Fuel prices will fluctuate with market conditions.

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re: New Fuel Service Available- Central Aviation Inc.

Update Oct 9, 2012

Central Aviation Self Serve Fuel Prices

Avgas $1.75+GST

Jet A-1 $1.34+GST

Picture of dsieber

Flying into Springbank

I just flew into the Springbank airport for the first time about 2 weeks ago while on a cross-country from Abbotsford to Calgary. I agree that the approach process is a little complicated, especially while coming from the South (you end up talking to Calgary Terminal, which then hands you over to Springbank), but nothing terrible - if you've never dealt with a controlled airport before, it might take a bit of getting used to, but otherwise it was fine. Calgary Terminal was very friendly - when they asked me to report over a local point, I just told them I wasn't familiar with the airport, and they gave me vectors all the way in. Wouldn't hesitate to go back. Springbank was also friendly, providing ground directions & advice.

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re: Nasty Control Zone

Reply to @dazuppa: I'm not sure how long you flew around the Springbank area but as someone who's flown out of CYBW for the past decade I can assure you that your experience with ATC is not the norm. In fact, the controllers at CYBW are as friendly as they come; more so if you are friendly from the start.

CYBW is one of the busiest GA airports and serves both training pilots and training controllers. Inner/outer tower is a both a necessity and a great learning experience at the same time. If you walked away thinking otherwise then it's an opportunity missed. I've flown across the country and found that the Calgary-area airspace is second in complexity only to the GTA. If you can handle CYYC/CYBW you can handle anything.

Finally, having done training and rentals (before purchasing a PA32) at most of the schools located at CYBW, I can also say that your experience at CFC is not typical. I would consider both SATC and CFC to be the same in most respects. The biggest difference between the two is that SATC is a commerical operation whereas CFC is more of a 'club' and therefore offers a richer experience (and cheaper fuel) for all pilots.

Picture of douglasr

re: Nasty Control Zone

That was my comment; just realized I wasn't logged in.

Picture of douglasr

Cheapest Fuel

CFC has the cheapest price for fuel at the airport, more so if you're a member. If you purchase more than 500 litres of fuel a year and can handle getting your fuel between 7am and 7pm, then you are advised to purchase a yearly CFC membership.

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