O.R. Tambo International Airport

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OurAirports members at JNB

O.R. Tambo International Airport is the home base for 31 OurAirports members. It has had 227 visitors.

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Disgusted to be a south african

Arriving this morning from London Heathrow I was shocked angered and saddened by the treatment people receive from south african staff at passport border custom control no wonder tourism is down i heard comments from tourists saying they will not come to south Africa again and I don't blame them the staff at Heathrow are all nationalities and treat people with respect and dignity in our country south Africa i would not speak to my dogs that way is it racism towards white people I think so

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Every thing is over priced high priced safari high price rip of private accommodations will be better of visiting local wild life in own country and help own economy ,smoking inside area in joberg donor go there you have to spend 30 rands to have a smoke as you have to buy some thing to buy at rip of price

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Pathetic service for south Africans returning

We waited more than 40 minutes for passport control for citizens of the country .

World cup soccer certainly changed nothing

4 people working . Well done

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It's not as bad as you think

I fly in and out of South Africa about six times a year, usually to Nairobi or Dar es Salaam. Anyone who thinks OR Tambo is a dirty airport, full of rude staff has obviously never been north of the Limpopo to airports like Dar es Salaam, Addis, or Nairobi. I find the customs staff at best, friendly, and (mostly) at worst, disinterested. If you want rude, combative and vulgar customs staff try arriving in America in Atlanta or Miami.

If you've ever travelled by air in the rest of Africa you'll realise OR Tambo is relatively slick, organised and miles, miles better than Dar es Salaam or Nairobi airport. I for one feel happy and proud wherever I return to OR Tambo.

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Passport picture taken by the security

I was traveling to Dublin Ireland and the security just before boarding took a picture of our passports using his cellphone. According to him this is security that we will come back after our visit. Is this the new procedures?

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Immigration problem

I traveled to China last week on a return ticket to Sa.. I got to Guangzhou airport yesterday to board back and I was not allowed to board because my twin sisters passport was flagged on their system..my plane left me and had to stay for another day because they said SA system is down hence they can't verify my identity

What I don't understand is why I'm being punished for my sister because we are not even identical twins and our passport numbers are not the same, even our ID numbers.

On top of it have been trying to get hold of the immigration office and no answer

I'm stuck in China, have to buy another ticket, extend my hotel

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The Airport code is incorrect.

Is should be FAOR not FAJS.

Within Windy App no METAR/TAF/NOTAM can be displayed as the Identification code is incorrect.

How can this be corrected?

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Missing Flight Information

If a flight leaves at 06:00 pm or 09:00 pm it does NOT appear on the departures window. It has slipped between the cracks.

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How to get to VRE (vredendal ) from Tambo (JNB)

i cannot ind any compagny , flying to vredendal (not Mango not Kulula, not Sa flights)

i see many airports with pink/purple, blue ore yellow spots ,, but none is flying thre : who knows?

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Security Check totally inappropriate !!

I just got back from an overseas trip and was flying from OR Tambo to King Shaka.. when I went through the security check, the scanner had beeped so I was pulled aside to be searched.

I think it is totally unhygienic and inappropriate that the security do not wear gloves when they conduct the search on your body.

No one would want someone else to be touching their clothes especially when we don't know where those hands have been.

The airport security company should definitely implement a new way of conducting the search. Making sure that they include wearing of gloves when conducting a search

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They are there to assist and gets paid for it but they are useless, no manners or people skills. I went through the check-in and needed guidance to confirm the departure level, well he sat there not greeting me after I greeted him, looked at me like I am disturbing him and such an effort to get him out of the chair to check. Very rude reply stating the number.. DISGUSTING.

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Your staff are disgusting theives today 18.10.17 they harassed and robbed a foreigner entering the country. They gentlemen from Colombia was called into their office searched 25 dollars which was all in his wallet was take from him as well as his sunglasses. Please believe this matter will be take to the highest authority digusted and emabrassed to be South African today

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Good Day

I would like to bring to your attention the pathetic, devastating experience I had last night whilst being at the OR Tambo Airport.

I brought my mum in who was flying to kzn on a Mango flight. she had just come out of hospital and had to be on a wheel chair. My mum was taken to the ASSISTED PASSENGER DEPARTMENT at the Airport. the staff members on duty at that time are extremely unfriendly and rude. The Manager that was there (Thoko) has no customer service at all. she was screaming and shouting at us. my mom was waiting for an hour no one had assisted us or asked if any help was needed. the flight was at 8:50 pm at 8:40 we had to ask if someone is going to take her to the plane as she was in a wheel chair. The Wheel Chair assistant was also very rude she just left my mom unattended he name is Kelegibole her attitude stinks she should be fired you don't treat people that way. We are paying for the services and expect to be treated well.

I trust that action be taken against that department. they were all eating and playing with cell phones and screaming and laughing instead of being professional that place was a fish market.... this incident is being reported to the consumer board as well and to the newspapers. OR Tambo will get a bad name due to staff members you have employed above............

I demand that serious action be taken. If needed I will personally come to the Airport and identify all those staff members.....

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Bad Attitudes

What bad attitude from Passport Control Officials. These people shout from counter to counter, laughing and joking and when you are spoken to , you are spoken to like a piece of dirt. BAD ATTITUDES and what a poor reflection on our country . Never seen this anywhere in the world .


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Emigration counters JNB airport

How on earth does the department of home affairs explain their DISMAL shortage of staff manning the emigration counters at what is supposed to be the country's main airport?

It's actually PATHETIC!

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Jumping the line

After waiting in line for half a hour to check in and finally reaching the front, the check in official instructed all the passengers travelling to PE to move to the front. Although I was also traveling to PE, all the passengers from the back of the line rushed in front to jump the que. What a frustrating experience.

Picture of jfjoubert

Still using old ICAO code

Hi, you are still using the old ICAO code for this airport.

Picture of Leifur


You are still using FAJS. This has changed since many years to FAOR.

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Heart broken of OR Tambo

My boyfriend send me parcel from Scotland to south African airport (OR Tambo airport) so I know that I am going to pay 3 500 for delivery.okey I pay .so next day urgent call me that I must pay for final clearance is 8 500 .next day again urgent call me that I must pay 12 000 for money laundry certificate .after two day urgent call me that I must pay 8 900 sign and stemp .so I paid all R 33 000 and again the want R 33 000 to realise my parcel so please I don't have that money I need help please

Picture of Groquik

4 year laters and still the wrong ICAO identifier

dear administrator,

how can we ensure the FAOR will really redirect to Johannesburg airport and not anymore to this landing strip?


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Immigration exit or Thambo

2 hours to leave the country ... less than half the counters occupied , no feedback .

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Horrendous wait, long queues.

What a place to waste your life. If you are in the mood for the most bureaucratic and lackadaisical service, this may be it! Perhaps SA should open up international tourism for bureaucratic incompetence and unintelligent planning.

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Domestic departures toilets

These are disgustingly dirty the chairs were not pulled and the toilet bowls looked like the had not been cleaned in ages there was stale poo on the sides of the toilet bowls and it smelled digusting

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Worst service ever

I've travelled to many international destinations, and travel to OT at least once a year. It has to be the worst service you expect on this planet. And even worse - the service is getting more pathetic every year. I do not mind the long flight to ZA, but the customs reception at OT is disgusting to say the least.

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After quing for ages at border control I am glad to leave the Shittest organised immigration control in the world.

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After quing for ages at border control I am glad to leave the Shittest organised immigration control in the world.

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After quing for ages at border control I am glad to leave the Shittest organised immigration control in the world.

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I wish I could put my attitude towards the immigration department at OR Tambo in writing without being jailed. Read between the lines what I want to report.

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Chaos to say the least. Worst service in decades. Down the drain with immigration department.

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What a disaster

Paasport control must be the worst in the world, is this an image of our government ??? YES, typical Africa.. I suggest when the fat cats take overseas trips they go through the normal control to see the disaster. WAKE UP GOVERNMENT!!!

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Extremely rude immigration staff

I was traveling to JHB OR Tambo from Abu Dhabi Etihad flight. Upon landing at JHB, I proceeded to the passport control hall. It was all full since some other flights had also arrived same time. I had to wait in line for almost 2 hours. Then when my turn came, I handed over my passport to the officer for stamping. The officer with his SHIT attitude said to me why didn't I greet him at first. I mean how does it make sense? I walked to the counter and handed over the passport. After waiting in line for 2 hours I may not be in a mood to greet him! And is it not his responsibility as well to greet people entering in his country? Total SHAME! That counter is actually the entry gate to the country and when you face such rude people you feel like never coming back to the country. Is this how you welcome guests into South Africa? Really?

Also while waiting in line there was no sitting arrangement, no water nothing! There was free Wi-Fi just for name sake. (which didn't work as expected).

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Absolute chaos

It took me nearly two hours to get through passport control at Joburg airport this morning after my flight from the UK. It was absolutely chaotic with no organisation the queues were four deep and there were very few passport staff available. When approached the staff were most unhelpful avoiding eye contact and shrugging their shoulders saying we the travelling public were being aggressive. This is my first visit to South Africa, and I'm sorry to say it will be my last after this experience. Not a way to encourage tourism.

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Change the ICAO

Please change the ICAO code shown (FAJS) to FAOR.

Thank yoy

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dear /sir madam.

well im very sad to say that my friend was raped by friend but now we have 2 break the silince the guy is in kenya and he has to be arrested when coming in .

his name is emmanuel ole kipino tukkuo when you arrest him he will take you up to here where he raped my friend in vryburg northwest where he was working for insurance we reported but the guy talked with the police not to areest him now he has to be arrested.

thanks you lebohang

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Home Affairs agent refused to allow me into South Africa bec

I just passed through JNB airport (16:10 PM on December 21). I am on a one-night layover from Malawi to the United States, a layover I have a half dozen times per year for work-related travel. As I have completed this exact itinerary many times in the past, I was one of the first off of my flight to arrive in the cue for non-visa countries. Much to my dismay, between when I entered the metal maze to get to the front and when I actually got to the front, a Home Affairs agent had allowed dozens of people from the visa-required line into the non-visa line. So, I was about 30 people back in line than I would have been if I had gotten to the metal maze 30 seconds earlier seconds earlier. Now, I can understand reallocating people across lines, but the problem is that visa-required visitors take a longer time to process, so it is inefficient for everyone and frustrating for customers to reallocate people between these lines. By the time I got to the front of the line, I was admittedly impatient. I did not say anything, however, as I stepped up to the desk. The Home Affairs woman looked at me and said, "Choose another line." And I said, "Why?" And she said, "I did not like how you threw your passport at me." I moved to another line, where I was processed expediently.

Now, as a technical point, it would have been impossible for me to actually throw my passport, as I had to reach around the previous person to even put it on the counter, as he was taking a long time to pack up his belongings.

But that is, of course, not the point. The point is that it is not the role of an immigration agent to decide who gets to enter the country based on manners or demeanor. They process documents, not personalities. Further, my behavior was not at all problematic. I did not say a single word to her or take any action other than putting my passport on the counter. Again, I fully acknowledge I was impatient. But given the notorious lines at security and passport control at the Johannesburg airport, this is, unfortunately, a common sentiment among the customers waiting in line. As a visitor in this country, I have no obligation to arrive smiling and deferential when I greet the Home Affairs agent. For better or for worse, I am entitled entry to the country regardless of my mood, as long as my documents are in order and I present no security risk.

In fact, there is some argument to be made that I, as the visitor and the customer, have less of an obligation to be solicitous and courteous than she does, as a customer service agent representing the South African government and the first point of contact for hundreds of visitors to the country every day. The most unfortunate part of this interaction is that I told two people of the interaction after it happened and before I wrote this email - one person who let me go ahead of him in the other passport line, and one person at the baggage claim. Both said the same thing: β€œWell, welcome to South Africa.” It is people like this Home Affairs agent - people who prioritize their ego over hospitality, who wish to judge visitors instead of welcome them, and who believe they have power and discretion they do not have - that make people worldwide believe that South Africa is an unfriendly place. This belief, in turn, affects South Africa’s position in the global economy.

I sincerely hope that JNB takes this situation as an opportunity to educate Home Affairs agents on being ambassadors of courtesy and generosity to those visiting the country. South Africa certainly doesn’t need more of a reputation for exclusion and judgement.

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The announcements at O.R. Tambo cannot be understood in spite of dedicated attempts. If your staff or system is incapable to delivering the required messages coherently rather put them up on digital displays. If I am wrong.....I challenge any of the management or staff to a decipher the announcements accurately.

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I parked my car in the lower basement at OR Tambo on 20th of October and returned from Cape Town on Sunday the 23rd of October. On my return found that my hubcaps were stolen!

I have paid for a service and included in that was a level of security. I have logged a case at the police station, went back within the same week to view the camera footage. It was no surprise conveniently enough when they told me the camera viewing my car have been out of order for a while now. In the first place could they not have told me this before I drove all the way to view this. However they could see on the camera that when I drove in my car had hubcaps and when I drove out there were no hubcaps. All the officer could tell me is that the case is now closed because there is no camera footage that proofs the hubcaps were stolen. The ACSA security just said they will inform management the camera needs to be replaced and in working order as this is now a hotspot. (My hubcaps weren't the only one's that was stolen on that day) I feel because their camera was not working it's no fault of mine. ACSA should then be responsible for this theft. It must be an inside job because they knew the camera is not working.

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very sad - International Transfer

I have been three times to O'Tambo airport within the past 2 weeks and with the exception of a 21 hour landing internationally and leaving internationally I have had negative experiences. There seems to be 6 or 7 desks but every time I had to go thru the international transfer it was manned by only 3 people and unfortunately with the introduction of fingerprint scan and picture taken it takes time so there is always chaos there. I am surprised how this has not been addressed to date and not sure this site is going to do anything about it.

People are missing flights, people are tired having to stand in line for a long time after getting off a long 16 hour flight only to get to their connecting flight. It makes little sense since we aren't leaving the airport. We are transferring.

Wish someone looked into this a bit more seriously...

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Since this is just a soundboard and no reply - listen to this one. Visitor come with Relative Visa issued in country of Origion - Customs Official at OR Tambo asks - Why is Visa issued abroad and not in South Africa - I tried to speak to official - I ask her name - she say its OFFICER - I ask kindly you name - "hey..hey..hey...you want to speak to me or not?" and handed the phone back. WTF? Home Affairs does mpy understand their own Immigration legislation?

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18 stations, 0ne working.

There are 18 stations at immigration for South African passport holders. Why is only one manned and operational?


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So this is a foreign visitor's first experience of South Africa.

Passport control for over 2 hours, standing, no food, no water, most people having not had the best night sleep on the plane.

Disgraceful. South Africa should be ashamed of its welcome.

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Immigration a joke

The Goverment is always saying they are creating employment. Well there there are twenty empty desks at ORT immigration and 300 customers. One hour to clear immigration is a minium. Fly via Durban or Cape Town if possible is my recommendation.

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Completely appalling

Passport control is slow as usual. I've been in a queue for almost TWO HOURS (and counting) just to get my passport stamped. No seating arrangements and no water provisions. This is ridiculous! I'm appalled. Why does no one do anything about this? It happens EVERY SINGLE TIME. No.

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Never have I had such a bad experience in an international airport. Waited 2 hours in the immigration line just to get a stamp on my passport. There were hundreds of people waiting and only two booths open! When we finally got through we had to hunt for our bags because the carousel for our flight was long finished! I find it hard to believe that a large international airport like Or Tambo wouldn't be able to plan ahead for the amount of arrivals and put on more staff! Absolutely appalling!

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Making people wait in a queue for three hours. ..no where to sit....no water....disgusting.

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O.R Tambo international airport customs

O.R tambo international airport immigration que is long again as usual with people taking almost more that two hours to come out into the arrivals hall.

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O.R Tambo international airport customs

Immigration today in O.R Tambo international airport seems to be a bit better today but still a long wait. Not as bad as yesterday waiting 2 & a half hours for guests to come out.

Bio-metirics still an issue causing delays & immigration need more staff.

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O.R Tambo international airport customs

Long que at immigration again with people & family's having to wait almost 3 hours just to get through to arrivals. Even the arrivals hall is packed with people because of the delay at immigration.

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Immigration at Arrival

Does anyone even read these comments and complaints? There are 46 immigration counters at the arrivals terminal. We arrived on the afternoon of 4th Sep and 4 or 5 planes must have arrived at the same time. The area was filled to capacity and overflowing. Yet there were less than 10 immigration officials manning the cubicles. Spent more than an hour on the que. So annoying!! Get more people!! Please!!

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(no subject)

With o the complaints about staff n their attitudes to travelers why is nothing being done. Its painful to see parents with babies standing over 1 hour in line at immigration. Babies r tired n irritated. Pipo missing their connections because there is no one to attend to them. I am an african n I feel so guilty to c my fellow brothers n sisters acting like we r still fighting 4 independence. Management kindly take a serious look at the situation at this airport before it is completely black listed n people lose their jobs

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Inbound immigration

As a international traveler I see many of the worlds immigration services and joburg inbound immigration are by far the worst I have ever seen . Very bad attitude. You are treated like a dog and the queuing system is so inefficient . Most days I'm left feeling disappointed and angry after clearing in to joburg. These officials think they are above the law.

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Immigration doing just great!

Incoming. July 29, Friday evening. In a rare gesture of thoughtfulness and hospitality, immigration has assigned 3 officers to process a handful of flights. After all, there are only 19 booths for foreigners. How kind! Done and dusted in less than 100 minutes which is exactly how long my flight lasted. Well done!

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1230 Friday 22nd. Security lines packed... only 3 gates operating..... lazy men in blue jackets standing around finding this very amusing..... passengers are running late..... incompetent, useless staff that don't seem to care and have a disgusting attitude.... foreigners find this unbelievable..... unless!!!!!!!.... embarrassing to be a South African....

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O.R Tambo international airport customs

17:00 - Airport customs for the moment has temporarily stopped using the Biometrics as it is causing some serious delay. But is still a problem.

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JHB Customs

JHB O.R Tambo customs very, very slow today with long que's taking almost 3 hours for guests to come out at arrivals after collecting luggage.

Reason being because Biometrics is not function ing correctly & creating delays.

Delays sometimes also caused because lack of staff especially early in the mornings when their are only 3 custom officials.

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2 customs officials at counters

Disgraceful poor service, 2 customs officials at international departures with hundreds of people queuing about to miss flights. I hate you

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Rude male member of staff

Gate A12/13 23/6/16 @ 17:30 sitting waiting for my husband to return with some pain killers as I am very weak with good poisoning & get told to go out of the gate to have passport checked. Explained I was alone & couldn't carry the bags alone so was told when my husband comes back the passports can be checked. 2 mins later a guy comes over & says exactly the same thing. I tried to explain but he was rude, obnoxious & continually over talked me. He threatened to have me removed & told me I could easily carry the bags myself. After 5 minutes of his constant rudeness & talking at me he told me to leave the bags where they were & walk 50 feet to have my passport checked - which he could easily have done himself. What a horrible rude unpleasant member of your staff. He is a disgrace to your organisation.

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10 people and still nothing!?

Our boarding has been delayed by over 20 minites. Sa1017 to bloemfontein at gate e8.

NO ONE knows whats going on,no one can tell us when we will be boarding - theres a foreign guy here that said he does not respect the way the staff spoke to him and that took 10 people to sort out.





Waste and joke of a service

I can literally swear right now at the incompetence of these people!!!

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I am disgusted by the fact that my property was stolen right out of my locked luggage. I flew on the 02/05/16 from Johannesburg to Cape town on mango flight JE123 at 5:55 this morning. After landing and checking my luggage i found that my lock had been removed and my hard drive taken from the bag. To say that this is the worst experience i have had , is an understatement. I feel that as a passenger my right to a safe flight and to not have any items stolen from checked in luggage has been violated. For goodness sake my bag was locked and the lock was removed by one of your personal , is this what we as passengers can expect from your airports staff!!!! i am disgusted and request that this situation be rectified immediately or i will be taking this further.

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re: complaint about immigration officials

Travelling through Oliver Tambo in December was a bitter experience. What is going on? on the 3rd December 18.00hrs.

We were a family of 5 travelling with friends who were connecting onto the BA to London . Our flight was delayed and we had 40 minutes to get through transit( why we need our passports stamped I will never understand) and collect our boarding passes from the ticket offices before proceeding to the security check. I ran to the front of the queue and received permission for the gentleman in front of the queue explaining my situation. He was most kind and let us go through - On arriving at the desk I was scorned and laughed at by a lady immigration official who told me to get to the back of the queue. Once again I showed her the ticket and explained our situation. She shouted and told us all to proceed to the back. I was determined to get some assistance and requested that she please assist us. A neighboring official abruptly got out of his cubicle aggressively stormed toward us and Screamed and shouted at us as if wee had committed a crime. He said - "GET TO THE BACK OF THE QUEUE - DONT THINK THAT BECAUSE YOU DO THAT IN YOUR COUNTRY YOU CAN DO THAT HERE!" I was completely stunned - An Australian lady in the queue and an elderly Nigerian gentleman called and asked us please to go in front of them as they too were embarrassed at the way this officer was treating us. If this is the welcome into South Africa as a transit point - i shudder to think what its like when you are entering - Surely it is common sense to have a fast track or lane for business class travellers or under an hour connection queue without having to beg and be humiliated. Disgusted.

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Think about the passagers.

We have now been sitting on a plane at OR Tambo for 50min because of bad weather - which is definately not the airports fault. However, when we are told that we are nr 13 in line to take off (after 50min), my question is "Why did you not give the flight a delayed status and leave us in the airport building where we would at least be comfortable and could get something to eat". Your conveniance when it comes to staying on schedule should not be put above your customers wellbeing. Sitting on a plane for an extra hour - means the Cape Town flight is now 3 hours long!!!!!!

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flight information

When the status of a flight is "landed / delayed", what does it mean?

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Airport Announcements

I am the airport from 5pm (my flight is at 7) .... Just need to mention how totally embarrassing it is to be a South African as the announcements being made are in very bad accents - unclear, and one can barely hear what is being said. In addition the announcer either shouts over the PA system or two announcements are made simultaneously. I can barely understand what is being said & doubt whether any foreigners will be able to understand.

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delayed flights

I see the Arrival time and DELAYED is shown but NO aprox time of Delays????

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Book in

How long before the time does one have to be at the airport for an international flight?

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Waiting at OR Tambo Airport

I am travelling from Cape Town to JHB and have to wait quite a long time for my flight to Malawi, is there a facility at the airport where I can wait for a few hours?

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tracking down someone

hi, is it possible to track down someone I was sitting next to?

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Website is useless

What is the point of simply listing all the flights coming in without providing any search facilities. I am trying to find out if there is a flight coming in from the DRC today and I have to scroll through endless lists. Surely it would be very simple to add a few search criteria such as departure airport, local or international, airline etc.

Picture of Krappie

People behavior towards airport peronal

Who it may concern

I was at OR Tambo airport for a flight to Maputo and what catching my eye is how the airport personal has to deal with everyday nonsense of passengers, passengers get angry with airport personal because the idiots don’t lessen when their names are called because they delaying the aircraft or they don’t read there information on their boarding pass nor there tickets.

From that I board my ticket all the necessary information is on there were to go, how mush bags are allowed and even their weight is specified.

We was in line for a flight to Maputo the other day and as usual the airport was very busy, I’ve standing there and watch people’s behavior and lessening to remarks what people have to say towards airport personal is hard to believe. Just before our boarding time our company called and inform us not to board because of something out of there control.

Our luggage was already checked in and now to get it back was what’s amassing me how well the airport personal behaved and responded when inform them that we are not boarding were to go and claim our luggage back… very quick and friendly. While collecting our luggage a very angry passenger also comes to collect her bags and stated that she were treated unfair… this is totally nonsense. I was there and hear the airport personal calling her numerous times because she was delaying the flight… good luck to you women and with some wake up pills you probably catch your flight next time. My feel really goes out to the airport personal for what they have to deal with every day.

Sincerely Yours

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Thank You

Hi. This site was really helpful. Thank you so much for providing this info.

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Ladies Toilets

There was a cleaner at the ladies toilet who was simply waiting for weary passengers and was insisting we pay her some cash for cleaning the toilets.

I did not see any notice to that effect. I have traveled several times in and out of OR Tambo Airport but never experienced this demand.

What next ? do we have to pay for a toilet roll before entering the toilet ?

Picture of Dries

flight times

May I make a suggestion. Please use 24 hour time reference. If only for one reason: there are 24 hours in a day and not 2 x 12 hours. I am looking at your arrival times for today for instance. You refer to flights landing at 12.55 pm and the next flight after that is 1.00pm which goes to prove that you are even confused yourselves! after 12h00 should be 13h00, 14h00 etc because there is no way that anyone can be confused by this. Do you even know what pm and am stands for? it is latin and I am sure that not one of you can speak this language. Most Italians can not even speak it. Lastly, there is a very good reason why armies world wide use 24 hours a day time reference.

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Flight Status

Your website is abseluetly useless. but then should i be amazed i guess not???

Ask your PR team to give custemors the link to flightstats dot com at least that works.


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Flight status

Please tell me why Kulula flights are not listed on the flight status page.

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Flight information on this site

On Thursday morning, before the huge storm struck in mid afternoon, I looked at International Arrivals to see what the scheduled time for the afternoon SAA flight from Lilongwe was noted as. It said 3.30pm and LANDED. All day it said LANDED, which was very inaccurate. It was diverted to Durban at 3.30 as the pilot could not land the aircraft! The passengers eventually landed back in Johannesburg at 8pm.....I was too busy driving back to the Sandton Gautrain pick up point to be able to check to see if the site had been updated. If it had said DIVERTED at 4pm I would have saved myself a nightmare trip to Sandton and back.

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The announcements at the airport drive me crazy. The terrible use of their voices, the pitch of the voice, the pronouncements and the tone is absolutely terrible. I just can't understand why you don't coach your announcers properly. This is a world-class airport, except for the terrible annoucements. It seems as if they really don't care what they sounds like and if they have no proud of who they are or who they represent. Kindly note that I have made a sound rcording of this unslaught on our ears and will definitely bring it to the attention of whoever wants to hear it.

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Excellent web site, saved me many hours waiting at the airport!

Picture of flyboy737

New ICAO designator: FAOR

The ICAO designator for this airport is now FAOR - O.R Tambo International Airport (Previously FAJS). Thus: FAOR is now the designator for the largest airport in South/ern Africa.

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FAOR is now the designator for the largest airport in South/

The ICAO designator for this airfield is now the designator for O.R Tambo International Airport ( Previously FAJS). Thus: FAOR is now the designator for the largest airport in South/ern Africa.

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re: FAOR is now the designator for the largest airport in So

Reply to @flyboy737:

I sent in a request to have this changed on 03 Feb. 2013. Any idea how to update it?

Picture of ptomblin

re: FAOR is now the designator for the largest airport in So

Reply to @Pivot: Do you have a new ICAO id for this airport?

Picture of Pivot

re: FAOR is now the designator for the largest airport in So

Reply to @ptomblin: From what I've been told Olifants never had an ICAO ident. FAOR was used for a now decommissioned airport. So I don't know what we can now use for Olifants.

Picture of Pivot

re: FAOR is now the designator for the largest airport in So

Reply to @ptomblin:

I wrote the senior manager for aerodromes and facilities in South Africa and he says "Olifants is not a licensed aerodrome therefore I cannot confirm their locator". So there is no ICAO ident for this airport. Now what?

Picture of ptomblin

re: FAOR is now the designator for the largest airport in So

Reply to @Pivot: I believe in that case that David (the owner of this site) has been assigning arbitrary ids to airports that don't have an official designator.

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re: FAOR is now the designator for the largest airport in So

Reply to @ptomblin: Not an answer to your question but some 'trivia' - On Lufthansa's Airbus 380 between Or Tambo and Frankfurt they consistently show the departure airport (Johannesburg) as Olifants River Bridge on their in flight maps !!!

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excellent website. very helpfull

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arrival time of an international flight from Paris

Looking at the arrivals schedule I noticed that the air place I was looking for had been cancelled. No reason. Just cancelled. Phoned airport and it was hog wash. If you guys cant be accurate and get the correct information dont have the web site!

Picture of prattsoplenty

re: arrival time of an international flight from Paris

Dear Anonymous flyer;

We are sorry that the information you were seeking was not as accurate as you desired. We will strive harder in the future to ensure your experience here is a delightful one. We are sorry that we could not meet your needs, even though washing your hog is not something we normally offer. Perhaps next time you require such as service, you will use a search website to find the proper service providers and not a website that has nothing to do with swine cleaning. Also, you might want to look at the entire page you were complaining about and notice at the bottom this sentence: "Flight information is provided by FlightStats, and is subject to the FlightStats Terms of Use." That might be a good spot to take your complaint.

Sincerely sarcastic,


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Comments from anonymous flyer

Firstly, the grammar and vocab shows what, not who, these comments are coming from.

Secondly, I have not seen any locks on our borders preventing this person from leaving and going to a country where everything is to its liking. Maybe it has not realized that it has a choice or maybe the logic is a bit too complex. I know this is really a stretch in tems of comprehension but where does this sense of entitlement come from? Maybe too much time spent with the striking mine and transport workers?

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This Site

Me again....killed more time looking at comments made by other...very amusing and confirms the fact you don't give a shit......call yourself Proudly South African......potty we have no choice...why not outsource the site as it can't get worse! You must be so proud of all these comments!

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This site

The problem with the last person who posted, is clearly they have the lowest of low standards in fact no standards! I sit here at ORTIA awaitng news on an SA airways from Dubai (not a small airport, or an unknowns airline to ACSA or I hope SAA and guess what? Yip that's right no info....come on ACSA CATCH A WAKE UP!!!! To think you played a part in the World Cup. Got to go now, as I have a SMS from my wife to say she has landed.....buy the way she a a shit lot more reliable thanks ACSA. I HOPE THIS POST MAKES IT CLEAR HOW CRAP YOUR SERVICE IS...SORRY WHAT SERVICE...... At lease this helped to kill time! Just emagin if the flight was delayed how much more I could have added. Will log on again when I next pick someone up at the airport.....but do not expect improvement as I am sure these posts are NOT reviewed by Managment who Give a toss!

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re: This site

Oooi... we're so quick to complain.

As for catching a wakeup... it should be apparent for anyone with half a brain that this is not an official ACSA or OR Tambo site. For a site that is run and maintained by volunteers I think is it nice. Thanks guys... you provide much needed info which ACSA themselves does do so well. This site serves me well.

So if you want to get abusive, go to ...acsa.co.za/home.asp?pid=66 and do it there. Some-one gets paid to maintain that site.

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thank you

this site is really good and I find it really use full and some people just can't find anything good enough for them.

Thank you

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shit site must reflek the airline

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Arrivals at Airport

What a terrible website. How do you get information that YOU actually want to find out?

Picture of david

re: Arrivals at Airport

Thanks for talking a look around. We provide open data for over 40,000 airports around the world, much of it contributed by our members. For real-time arrivals and departures, however, we depend on FlightStats, which kindly lets us republish their status pages for airports that have airline service. If there are other features you'd like to see, please let us know, and I'll look into adding them (this is a volunteer/hobby site, so speed of new features depends on the time I can get free from work and family obligations).

Picture of ptomblin

re: Arrivals at Airport

One of the things that this site provides is a link to the official web site for the airport (if we know of it). In the case of this airport, we do have a link to it. Perhaps if you can't find what you want here, you should try the one that people are actually getting paid to maintain, instead of rubbishing the one that's done by volunteers?

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Need to view intrnational arrivals for 4november..but it only shows arrivals and departures for today. What to do?

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Thank you for living up to your reputation, I was not disappointed. Had my luggage broken into. Thanks for "Putting messures into place" to prevent this from happening. It clearly doesn't work!

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This site

Just checked my wife's flight from Durban to see if there was info, last updated 111 minutes ago, she has called to say there is a 20 min delay so I'm guessing this site is as useful as a chocolate fireplace, what a joke!

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No info

This site is not designed to provide any meaningful information!

Picture of maasdoel

re: No info

This site largely caters for pilot's and gives very meaningifull/usefull information to us. I do not believe it was intended as passenger information service.

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Flight information

The purpose of this service is that it should be current information otherwise it is meaningless.

Picture of david

re: Flight information

If you find any out-of-date information, please let us know. In some cases, you can change the information yourself once you create an account.

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Outdated flight arrivals/departure information

When trying to see actual live ORTambo arrival/departure information via the internet it is rather outdated. What can you expect from a 1st world country that became a 3rd world country. I thought they might get even better after independance, but was I wrong, they are getting worse.

Picture of rodneyk

re: Outdated flight arrivals/departure information

get real idiot

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flights to Tripoli

Please could someone advise what to do about my reservation to Paris via Tripoli on Air Afriquiyah next week? are the flights still going? Most grateful, dont know who to ask

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noisy---if ya dont like it then bugger off

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Some Companies have "Unknown"

Why do some companies, eg Iberia have "unknown" and I have been told that it was due at 10.50 and 11.20. Now I wonder if it arrived and whether one must go and pick-up the passenger that we expect to arrive today

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noise levels in departures

Your staff - from the check in staff right through to cleaning and those manning the coffee shops feel quite compelled to shout to one another as loudly as possible with total disregard for the image of the company, the deafening noise levels that they create and the discomfort of the passengers. Unfortunately, as beautiful as the airport design is, the halls are 'hollow' and the noise created by your staff travels. Maybe if you educate them to speak in normal tones that would help.

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re: noise levels in departures

I quite agree with your comments but unfortunately or what ever this is part of African culture I am told that by talking loudly implies that they are not saying anything behind each others back and if you understand their language therefore you would not be offended thats the best way I can discribe it I could stand to be corrected but this is the way it was explained to me as a Europane Immigrant.

Picture of Benito79


nice airport

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