Goma International Airport

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Goma International Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 8 visitors.

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Picture of ptomblin

Is this plane stranded?

There doesn't appear to be a taxiway to the south that could get it to the runway.

Picture of david

re: Is this plane stranded?

According to Wikipedia, the plane is a DC-8 that has been stranded since the eruption.

All the best,


Picture of david

Runway shortened by Lava

A 2002 volcanic eruption nearby sent a lava stream over the north portion of the runway. The south portion of 18/26 is still operational.

Picture of ptomblin

re: Runway shortened by Lava

In the satellite picture, it looks like there is a very large airplane with no way to get to the runway. I wonder if it's really cut off, or if they taxi it over the lava flow?

Picture of david

April 15 market crash

On 15 April 2008, a Hew Bora Airways DC-9 lost power to an engine during its takeoff roll, attempted to abort, and overran the end of the runway into a crowded market immediately to the south of the airport:


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