Airports near Deltaland Airfield [CLOSED]

Airports 3,001 to 3,050

small airport marker

Bad Marienberg Airfield

Oberroßbach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany 680 km (367 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Al Canale Airfield

Alberobello (BA), Apulia, Italy 680 km (367 nm) SE

small airport marker

Campo di volo Porto Pino

Sant’Anna Arresi (SU), Sardinia, Italy 680 km (367 nm) SSW


small airport marker

Mladá Boleslav Airfield

Mladá Boleslav, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 680 km (367 nm) NNE


heliport marker

Helios Clinic Erfurt Heliport

Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany 680 km (367 nm) N

small airport marker

Torreilles Airfield

Torreilles, Pyrénées-Orientales, Occitanie, France 681 km (367 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Évaux Airfield

Chambon-sur-Voueize, Creuse, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France 681 km (367 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Kněžice u Jičína Airfield

Kněžice u Jičína, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 681 km (367 nm) NNE

small airport marker


Kiskunhalas, Bács-Kiskun County, Hungary 681 km (367 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Želiezovce Cropduster Strip

Želiezovce, Nitra Region, Slovakia 681 km (367 nm) NE

medium airport marker

Eisenach-Kindel Airport

Hörselberg-Hainich, Thuringia, Germany 681 km (368 nm) N


small airport marker

Nemčice-Topoľčany Airstrip

Nemčice, Nitra Region, Slovakia 681 km (368 nm) NE

small airport marker

Coust Colombiers Airfield

Centre-Val de Loire, France 681 km (368 nm) WNW

heliport marker

Sankt Georg Hospital Eisenach Heliport

Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany 681 km (368 nm) N

closed airport marker

Romilly Sur Seine Airfield

Grand Est, France 682 km (368 nm) NW


small airport marker

Kunětice Airfield

Kunětice, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 682 km (368 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Soltvadkert Sports Aerodrome

Bács-Kiskun County, Hungary 682 km (368 nm) ENE

heliport marker

Chemnitz-Glösa Industrial Park Heliport

Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany 682 km (368 nm) NNE

heliport marker

Helipad Paretano

Monopoli, Apulia, Italy 682 km (368 nm) SE


heliport marker

Pardubice Regional Fire and Rescue Service Svitavy Heliport

Svitavy, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 682 km (368 nm) NE

small airport marker

Göpfersdorf Airfield

Göpfersdorf, Thuringia, Germany 682 km (368 nm) N

heliport marker

Centre Hospitalier Heliport

Ussel, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France 682 km (368 nm) W

small airport marker

Sremska Mitrovica / Veliki Radinci Airfield

Veliki Radinci, Srem District, Serbia 682 km (368 nm) E

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small airport marker

Paretano Fly Airfield

Monopoli (BA), Apulia, Italy 682 km (368 nm) SE


small airport marker

Ziegenhain-Der Ring Airfield

Schwalmstadt, Hesse, Germany 683 km (368 nm) N


heliport marker

Szent János és a Kútvölgyi kórhàzi Heliport

Budapest, Budapest (capital city), Hungary 683 km (368 nm) ENE


heliport marker

Hospital Heliport

Mladá Boleslav, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 683 km (368 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Hármashatárhegy Glider Field

Budapest, Budapest (capital city), Hungary 683 km (368 nm) ENE

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heliport marker

Centre Medical du Cap Peyrefite Heliport

Cerbere, Occitanie, France 683 km (369 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Wiltz-Noertrange Airfield

Winseler, Wiltz, Luxembourg 683 km (369 nm) NNW

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small airport marker

Pohronský Ruskov Airstrip

Pohronský Ruskov, Nitra Region, Slovakia 683 km (369 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Vraclav u Vysokého Mýta ULM

Vraclav, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 683 km (369 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Joigny Ultralight Airfield

Étréchy, Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, France 683 km (369 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Courgenay Airfield

Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France 683 km (369 nm) NW

medium airport marker

Siegerland Airport

Burbach, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany 683 km (369 nm) NNW


small airport marker

Saint Martin des Champs Airfield

Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France 684 km (369 nm) WNW

heliport marker

Ústí nad Labem Regional Air Rescue Service Heliport

Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic 684 km (369 nm) NNE

heliport marker

Masaryk Hospital Heliport

Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic 684 km (369 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Tekovský Hrádok Airfield

Tekovský Hrádok, Nitra Region, Slovakia 684 km (369 nm) NE

heliport marker

Hephata Hospital Heliport

Schwalmstadt, Hesse, Germany 684 km (369 nm) N

small airport marker

Vysoké Mýto Airfield

Vysoké Mýto, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic 684 km (369 nm) NNE


small airport marker

Bánov Airstrip

Bánov, Zlín Region, Czech Republic 684 km (369 nm) NE

small airport marker

Bottenhorn Airfield

Bad Endbach, Hesse, Germany 684 km (369 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Vaufoin Airfield

Les Bordes, Yonne, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France 685 km (369 nm) NW

small airport marker

Usti Nad Labem Airfield

Usti Nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic 685 km (370 nm) NNE


small airport marker

Felsőráda Airstrip

Felsőráda, Pest County, Hungary 685 km (370 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Lézignan-Corbières Airfield

Lézignan-Corbières, Occitanie, France 685 km (370 nm) WSW

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small airport marker

Hirzenhain Airfield

Eschenburg, Hesse, Germany 685 km (370 nm) NNW

heliport marker

Sankt Joseph Hospital Prüm Heliport

Prüm, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany 685 km (370 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Mönchsheide Gliderport

Bad Breisig, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany 685 km (370 nm) NNW