Jack Northrop Field Hawthorne Municipal Airport

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Jack Northrop Field Hawthorne Municipal Airport is the home base for 2 OurAirports members. It has had 35 visitors.

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Rose Aviation 1973-1977

Hello anyone that worked for Rose from '73 to '77. My name is John Dickson and I, like othersm stumbled across this looking for info on Rex Rose for a good friend. I owe my entire airline career to advancements and good fortune I was able to enjoy working for Jean Rose and her Chief Pilot at the time, Art Olsen. If it wasn't for them and their trust in the young 20 year old I was at the time, I'm not sure where I would be. They both entrusted in me the position of flight instructor, charter pilot, and Telephone Patrol Pilot for PT&T from '74 to '77. I worked with some great people - Ray Patinelli, Gene Fitzpatrick, Joe Harrington, Rob Keenan, Greg Madden, Colby Bridget, Tom Rustemyer, George Chuili, Steve Toon, and dispatcher Nikki Caldwell. I remember very well Linda who has checked on with this blog - and would love to catch up on how Art Olsen lived the rest of his life. I have a great story about Rex Rose (actually two) that I would love to share for anyone who would like to listen. Just let me know. I'll keep any eye out. Anyone out there from that era?

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Took My multi engine rating With Jean and many other flights

I got most of my flight ratings at Rose Aviation. I also taught Flying with Jean for over a year there and logged over 1000 hours. Then I went to the Airlines On December 10, 1069

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Took My multi engine rating With Jean and many other flights

I got most of my flight ratings at Rose Aviation. I also taught Flying with Jean for over a year there and logged over 1000 hours. Then I went to the Airlines On December 10, 1069

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Took My multi engine rating With Jean and many other flights

I got most of my flight ratings at Rose Aviation. I also taught Flying with Jean for over a year there and logged over 1000 hours. Then I went to the Airlines On December 10, 1069

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Took My multi engine rating With Jean and many other flights

I got most of my flight ratings at Rose Aviation. I also taught Flying with Jean for over a year there and logged over 1000 hours. Then I went to the Airlines On December 10, 1069

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re: History Of Rose Aviation on Hawthorne Airport from 1963

It is where I learned to fly got my ratings and taught flying for over a year then went to the airlines

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re: History Of Rose Aviation on Hawthorne Airport from 1963

I was a line boy there in 1973.

I worked there for while. It was nice place to work. I was an A & P Student at. Northrop Institue of Technology. Her mechanics help me learn about airplanes. They needed me to work more hours. I. Couldn't I was a student studying hard. They "let me go"

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re: History Of Rose Aviation on Hawthorne Airport from 1963

I was a line boy there in 1973.

I worked there for while. It was nice place to work. I was an A & P Student at. Northrop Institue of Technology. Her mechanics help me learn about airplanes. They needed me to work more hours. I. Couldn't I was a student studying hard. They "let me go"

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re: History Of Rose Aviation on Hawthorne Airport from 1963

I was a line boy there in 1973.

I worked there for while. It was nice place to work. I was an A & P Student at. Northrop Institue of Technology. Her mechanics help me learn about airplanes. They needed me to work more hours. I. Couldn't I was a student studying hard. They "let me go"

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re: History Of Rose Aviation on Hawthorne Airport from 1963

I was a line boy there in 1973.

I worked there for while. It was nice place to work. I was an A & P Student at. Northrop Institue of Technology. Her mechanics help me learn about airplanes. They needed me to work more hours. I. Couldn't I was a student studying hard. They "let me go"

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re: History Of Rose Aviation on Hawthorne Airport from 1963

I was a line boy there in 1973.

I worked there for while. It was nice place to work. I was an A & P Student at. Northrop Institue of Technology. Her mechanics help me learn about airplanes. They needed me to work more hours. I. Couldn't I was a student studying hard. They "let me go"

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re: History Of Rose Aviation on Hawthorne Airport from 1963

I learned to fly there and jean rose checked me out on some of my ratings and then I taught flying for her at Rose Aviation Flight School

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re: History Of Rose Aviation on Hawthorne Airport from 1963

I trained at Rose Aviation. Jean gave me my check ride in '72. They had a full A&P facility, ground school and rentals. Those were good times and a fun airport to fly out of.

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I Took My Instrument Checkride With Jean

I just stumbled on this string researching Rose Aviation, looking for old pics. I learned to fly at Rose in 1970, 48 years ago. I am still flying professionally today which is a true miracle...

I've wondered what happened to Jean, Rex, Art Olsen, Linda, Don Petersen, Claude Bennet (what a great guy!!). Hopefully someone will have some answers.


Picture of Silvertooth

re: I Took My Instrument Checkride With Jean

Hello, I came across this website today trying to find out what happened to Rose Aviation at Hawthorne Airport and saw your post. My name is Linda Silvertooth, I am the Linda you mentioned in your post. I worked at Rose from 1977-1981 and have kept in touch with several other friends from those days (Kathy Hesse, Kevin Clover). I knew Jean as the former owner and and as an FAA Pilot Examiner, Art was the owner at the time I was there. Jean passed away in the early 80’s and Art passed away in 2018. I know Claude is gone also but I don’t remember when he passed. I took several check rides from both Jean and Claude…..great people!! I saw Don Pedersen in 2013 at a Rose reunion, he was the Chief of Police for Culver City at that time, but I think he has retired. Were you at Rose Aviation during those years? I went on to work for the FAA for over 35 years and retired in 2020. It was a great time during those days at Rose! Linda

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I worked for Rose Aviation in 1960 to 1962 as a flight instructor. I attained all of my ratings from Jean and Rex and they were kind enough to give me a job. I went to work for Zantop in 1962 and was hired by Delta Airlines in 1963. I lost track of Jean and Rex but have been able to access Jeans past as a WASP during WWII. She was injured in a Piper Apache accident in about 1984 and later died of a blood clot as a result of her injuries. I can't find any reference of Rex. Ken Chirhart, kchirhart@ma.rr.com

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re: History Of Rose Aviation on Hawthorne Airport from 1963

They are in Salem Oregon

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History Of Rose Aviation on Hawthorne Airport from 1963 unti

Any body know the History of Rose Aviation and what happened to Jean and Rex Rose on Hawthorne Airport?

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