San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport

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OurAirports members at OAK

San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport is the home base for 15 OurAirports members. It has had 329 visitors.

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Latest comments for OAK Leave a comment

Picture of Pilot_1975

Not as scary as you might think.

Great place to rent a car (or borrow) to drive to Fisherman's Wharf.

Picture of


We landed and taxied to the Jet Center and had awesome service. They parked us, took us to our hotel and picked us up in the morning for our return flight. Highly recomment this place/

Picture of hamish

General Aviation at Oakland

Oakland's a good choice for GA visitors to the San Francisco Bay Area -- it's actually almost as close to downtown San Francisco as KSFO but it's usually quite a bit cheaper, it has a good selection of IFR approaches and a well-controlled airspace, it has a very large GA base with a 24 hour FBO (Kaiser), and it's close to BART and other transport options. I've been based here for years...

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