Northway Airport

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OurAirports members at ORT

Northway Airport is the home base for 7 OurAirports members. It has had 10 visitors.

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Picture of Desert185

Northway, AK (PAOR)

As of summer 2011, no more fuel and the restaurant is closed. Customs and an FSS is about it. Nearest fuel, motel or restaurant is Tok.

Picture of bsdunek

Northway Airport

We stayed overnight in the trailers that the Alaska Highway workers used. Rustic! The restaurant had closed for the evening, but the bartender said just go fix your own. We had steak, baked potato and apple pie. Left the money and did the dishes. Great way to live!

Picture of Desert185

Expensive Fuel, but...

Expensive fuel, but great hamburgers at the restaurant. The restaurant has a phone and contact number for FSS on the field while you wait for your hamburger to be cooked.

Stay at the airplane for customs. You can get out, but don't leave the immediate vicinity of your airplane. They can get cranky about that.

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