Airports near Red Rock Field

Airports 201 to 250

small airport marker

Whiterik Field

Fruitland, Washington, United States 155 km (84 nm) NE

small airport marker

Quail Field

Pendleton, Oregon, United States 156 km (84 nm) SSE

closed airport marker

Horne Airfield

Pendleton, Oregon, United States 156 km (84 nm) SSE

closed airport marker

John Day Dam Landing Strip

Maryhill, Washington, United States 157 km (84 nm) SW

small airport marker

Zwainz Farms Airport

Reardan, Washington, United States 157 km (85 nm) NE

heliport marker

Pcfd Nr 26 Heliport

Greenwater, Washington, United States 157 km (85 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Bandera State Airport

Bandera, Washington, United States 158 km (85 nm) WNW


small airport marker

Piper Canyon Airport

Goldendale, Washington, United States 158 km (85 nm) SW

small airport marker

Lexington Airport

Lexington, Oregon, United States 158 km (85 nm) S


closed airport marker

Butter Creek Airport

Pilot Rock, Oregon, United States 159 km (86 nm) SSE

closed airport marker

Butter Creek Airport

Pilot Rock, Oregon, United States 159 km (86 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Flying L Airport

Glenwood, Washington, United States 160 km (86 nm) SW

small airport marker

Skykomish State Airport

Skykomish, Washington, United States 161 km (86 nm) NW

heliport marker

Eastern State Hospital EMS Heliport

Medical Lake, Washington, United States 161 km (87 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Packwood Airport

Packwood, Washington, United States 162 km (87 nm) W


small airport marker

Flying R Ranch Airport

Cheney, Washington, United States 162 km (87 nm) ENE

closed airport marker

Reed Airport

Arlington, Oregon, United States 162 km (87 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Okanogan Legion Airport

Okanogan, Washington, United States 164 km (88 nm) N

1 1

small airport marker

Lower Granite State Airport

Colfax, Washington, United States 165 km (89 nm) E

small airport marker

Port Field

Twisp, Washington, United States 165 km (89 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Port of Whitman Business Air Center Airport

Colfax, Washington, United States 165 km (89 nm) E

small airport marker

Lockwood Dry Coulee Airport

Okanogan, Washington, United States 165 km (89 nm) N

heliport marker

Lower Granite Dam Heliport

Colfax, Washington, United States 165 km (89 nm) E

seaplane base marker

Seaplane Landing Area Seaplane Base

Chelan, Washington, United States 165 km (89 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Wasco State Airport

Wasco, Oregon, United States 166 km (89 nm) SSW


medium airport marker

Fairchild Air Force Base

Spokane, Washington, United States 167 km (90 nm) ENE

1 8

small airport marker

Rugg Ranches Airport

Pilot Rock, Oregon, United States 167 km (90 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Twisp Municipal Airport

Twisp, Washington, United States 167 km (90 nm) NNW


small airport marker

Wild Hair Airport

Centerville, Washington, United States 167 km (90 nm) SW

small airport marker

Isaacson Airport

Medical Lake, Washington, United States 167 km (90 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Dye Seed Ranch Airport

Pomeroy, Washington, United States 168 km (90 nm) ESE

heliport marker

Whitman Community Hospital Heliport

Colfax, Washington, United States 168 km (90 nm) E

closed airport marker

Sky Acres Landing Area

Omak, Washington, United States 168 km (91 nm) N

heliport marker

Mid-Valley Hospital EMS Heliport

Omak, Washington, United States 168 km (91 nm) N

small airport marker

Rosalia Municipal Airport

Rosalia, Washington, United States 168 km (91 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Eagle's Roost Airport

Ford, Washington, United States 168 km (91 nm) NE

small airport marker

Silverbird Airport

Cheney, Washington, United States 170 km (92 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Reed Airport

Cheney, Washington, United States 170 km (92 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Lettie's Landing

Washington, United States 171 km (92 nm) SW

closed airport marker

Wings For Christ Airport

Omak, Washington, United States 172 km (92 nm) N

heliport marker

Kautz Creek Helibase

Ashford, Washington, United States 173 km (93 nm) W

small airport marker

Tailskid Ranch Airport

Tum Tum, Washington, United States 173 km (93 nm) NE

small airport marker

Humbert Airport

Ford, Washington, United States 174 km (94 nm) NE

closed airport marker

North Pine Airport

Spangle, Washington, United States 174 km (94 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Homeport Airport

Cheney, Washington, United States 175 km (94 nm) ENE

medium airport marker

Spokane International Airport

Spokane, Washington, United States 175 km (94 nm) ENE

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small airport marker

Fowlers Northwest 40 Airport

Spokane, Washington, United States 175 km (94 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Omak Airport

Omak, Washington, United States 176 km (95 nm) N


small airport marker

Calhoun Airport

Nine Mile Falls, Washington, United States 176 km (95 nm) NE

small airport marker

Paradise Air Ranch Airport

Cheney, Washington, United States 176 km (95 nm) ENE