Airport comments for Andalucía, Spain

Comments 1 to 17 of 17

Picture of QUIK-R-912S


Good afternoon.

I'm hoping that someone canhelp me with some information about this airfield.

I am looking at moving over to this area and would be bringing my Quik-R Flexwing with me and would be interrested in this location.

Do you have any information, is this a private airfield? is this a flying club? could I be resident at this airfield? is there hangarage?

I would appreciate any information you may have as I intend to visit within the next few weeks.

Thank you.


Picture of QUIK-R-912S

General Enquiry.

Good Morning.

I am looking at re-locating to this area of Spain and I will be bringing my Flexwing Microlight over also.

Can you please give me some more information about this air field, I.e. Is there a membership, would I be able to Hangar my aircraft here etc.

Does anyone have any information regarding this airfield that would be of use for me or any other recommended airfields within this area/location.

Any information or guidance would be most helpful and appreciated.



Picture of QUIK-R-912S



Does anyone know if this or any other airfield within this region is for sale?

I'm looking at re-locating to this area early next year, I'm NPPL qualified and would like to bring my Flex wing over.

Contact -



Picture of QUIK-R-912S



Does anyone know if this or any other airfield within this region is for sale?

I'm looking at re-locating to this area early next year, I'm NPPL qualified and would like to bring my Flex wing over.

Contact -



Picture of QUIK-R-912S



Does anyone know if this or any other airfield within this region is for sale?

I'm looking at re-locating to this area early next year, I'm NPPL qualified and would like to bring my Flex wing over.



Picture of kreee

odd place for a airport


Picture of


The coolest flying club in Spain.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Reported to be in very poor condition, check

Picture of trusku


Excellent. Great guys!

Picture of asinkecualo

Private airport

Owned by March family in their own enormous lands in Guadalcanal

Picture of lsalv

re: Flight France > Gabon with microlight BRM Citius


No internet address available so far. Use phone instead, but beware they don't speak anything but spanish. AFAIK MOGAS is available but better check, airfield is actually in the middle of nowhere and I'm not sure any gas station is available in the vicinity. I use AVGAS and was forced to refuel in Jerez.

FPL may be submitted by phone, but if you fly to Morocco you have to pass custom in Jerez (Morocco is not Schengen area).

Regards lsalv

Picture of

re: Flight France > Gabon with microlight BRM Citius

Reply to @lsalv: thanks a lot for the information regarding Trebujena airfield. I intend to have a stop over next month (mid-april 2012) before going to Tanger - Morrocco. Can I file a flight plan to Morrocco by phone (Jerez twr). Is mogas available at the airport or do I have to go to gas station ? have you the internet address of airport manager. thanks and regards. Michel.

Picture of lsalv

Useful info

Nice airfield close to Jerez de la Frontera.

Wind is usually strong (ca. 20Kts) but amost aligned with runway. Be careful in case of southern wind (rare). Approach is a little tricky because runway is on top of a hill and ground height difficult to appreciate.

Pay attention to neighbouring LE-R154 (GND-SEA/6000ft AMSL, ROTA AB).

Remember to close FPL by radio with Jerez TWR 118.55 when field in sight or after landing by phone Jerez ARO +34-956150106.

Airfield is usually unattended. Coordinate ARR and DEP with airport manager +34-677428329, +34-619558362, +34-625461216.

AVGAS not avlb. MOGAS O/R.

Picture of

re: Moron AFB, circa 1964

Hey, I was stationed at Moron AFB 1961-1962 3973 csg Base Comm. Our barracks was right across from the base chapel, end of our barracks faced the motor pool and flight line. Is anyone out there who in base comm or during the same time period. Would be fun to talk to some old buddies. Alive in well in Bellingham,Washington A1c Paul Vodopich

Picture of Duncans

YouTube landing at Treb

Picture of Duncans

First flight to Treb

Flew a 172 D-EVOC from the Fly-in-Spain crew to Trebujena Airfield on 28.10.09. It's the maintenance facility for Fly-in-Spain so lots of short hops from Jerez LEJR to Treb.

Picture of XingR

Nice place to visit

I flew in here and back out in my only C-124 rides back in 1969. I was supporting our RF-101 Vodoos based at Upper Heyford, UK and one had an air refuelingproblem. I grabbed my tools and tester, flew down here on "Old Shakey", fix the problem aircraft in 5 minutes flat and spent the rest of a lovely week waiting for another "Shakey" flight back to the cold and dreariness of "Upper Haystacks". Moron is near the city of Seville and also quite close to the Rock of Gibraltar. Lovely countryside and people.