Airports near the Cook NDB (CQM)

Airports 1 to 50

small airport marker

Cook Municipal Airport

Cook, Minnesota, United States 0 km (0 nm) ENE


heliport marker

Cook Hospital Heliport

Cook, Minnesota, United States 3 km (1 nm) NNE

seaplane base marker

Barnes Seaplane Base

Cook, Minnesota, United States 13 km (7 nm) NE

closed airport marker

Peil's Vermillion Wings Seaplane Base

Tower, Minnesota, United States 22 km (12 nm) ENE

seaplane base marker

Johnson's Sea Landing Seaplane Base

Tower, Minnesota, United States 22 km (12 nm) E

small airport marker

Orr Regional Airport

Orr, Minnesota, United States 24 km (13 nm) NNW

1 2

seaplane base marker

Irons Point Seaplane Base

Tower, Minnesota, United States 25 km (13 nm) E

closed airport marker

Anderson Airport

Bear River, Minnesota, United States 27 km (15 nm) W

closed airport marker

Pike Field Airport

Embarrass, Minnesota, United States 27 km (15 nm) SE

closed airport marker

Pelican Lake Seaplane Base

Orr, Minnesota, United States 29 km (15 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Tower Municipal Airport

Tower, Minnesota, United States 30 km (16 nm) E


closed airport marker

Sixberry's Landing Seaplane Base

Chisholm, Minnesota, United States 31 km (16 nm) WSW

seaplane base marker

AB Squared Seaplane Base

Tower, Minnesota, United States 31 km (17 nm) ENE

seaplane base marker

Christenson Point Seaplane Base

Chisholm/Hibbing, Minnesota, United States 31 km (17 nm) WSW

heliport marker

Virginia Regional Hospital Heliport

Virginia, Minnesota, United States 33 km (18 nm) SSE

seaplane base marker

Sky Harbor Seaplane Base

Eveleth, Minnesota, United States 43 km (23 nm) SSE

closed airport marker

Stahlberg-Mohr Airport

Iron Junction, Minnesota, United States 43 km (23 nm) S

seaplane base marker

Eagles Nest Seaplane Base

Tower, Minnesota, United States 44 km (23 nm) E

seaplane base marker

Carey Lake Seaplane Base

Hibbing, Minnesota, United States 45 km (24 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Eveleth–Virginia Municipal Airport

Eveleth, Minnesota, United States 46 km (25 nm) SSE


seaplane base marker

Eagles Nest 4 Seaplane Base

Ely, Minnesota, United States 47 km (25 nm) E

heliport marker

Northern Pines Medical Center Heliport

Aurora, Minnesota, United States 48 km (26 nm) SE

heliport marker

Mesabi Regional Medical Center Heliport

Hibbing, Minnesota, United States 49 km (26 nm) SSW

medium airport marker

Range Regional Airport

Hibbing, Minnesota, United States 49 km (26 nm) SSW


seaplane base marker

Mathieu Landing Seaplane Base

Eveleth, Minnesota, United States 49 km (26 nm) SSE

heliport marker

Crane Lake Volunteer Fire Department Heliport

Crane Lake, Minnesota, United States 51 km (27 nm) NNE

seaplane base marker

Scotts Seaplane Base

Crane Lake, Minnesota, United States 51 km (28 nm) NNE


closed airport marker

Bolduc Seaplane Base

Bigfork, Minnesota, United States 59 km (32 nm) WSW

seaplane base marker

Sand Point Lake Seaplane Base

Ontario, Canada 59 km (32 nm) NNE

seaplane base marker

US Forest Service Seaplane Base

Ely, Minnesota, United States 60 km (32 nm) E

heliport marker

Ely Bloomenson Community Hospital Heliport

Ely, Minnesota, United States 61 km (33 nm) E

medium airport marker

Ely Municipal Airport

Ely, Minnesota, United States 64 km (34 nm) E


closed airport marker

Former Ely Municipal Airport

Ely, Minnesota, United States 64 km (34 nm) E

small airport marker

Robertson Field

Hibbing, Minnesota, United States 64 km (34 nm) SSW

seaplane base marker

Namakan Seaplane Base

Ray, Minnesota, United States 65 km (35 nm) N

seaplane base marker

Lac La Croix Seaplane Base

Ontario, Canada 69 km (37 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Bigfork Municipal Airport

Bigfork, Minnesota, United States 71 km (38 nm) W

heliport marker

Northern Itasca Health Care Center Heliport

Bigfork, Minnesota, United States 71 km (38 nm) W

small airport marker

Gospel Ranch Airport

Hibbing, Minnesota, United States 72 km (39 nm) SSW


heliport marker

Lake Kabetogama Area Fire Department Heliport

Kabetogama, Minnesota, United States 73 km (39 nm) NNW

seaplane base marker

Wabana Seaplane Base

Grand Rapids, Minnesota, United States 76 km (41 nm) SW

closed airport marker

Snell's Seaplane Base

Marcell, Minnesota, United States 81 km (43 nm) WSW

closed airport marker

Coleraine Airport

Coleraine, Minnesota, United States 81 km (44 nm) SW

small airport marker

Big Falls Municipal Airport

Big Falls, Minnesota, United States 90 km (48 nm) WNW

seaplane base marker

Lily Lake Seaplane Base

Grand Rapids, Minnesota, United States 90 km (49 nm) SW

small airport marker

Grand Rapids Itasca Co-Gordon Newstrom field

Grand Rapids, Minnesota, United States 91 km (49 nm) SW


heliport marker

Grand Itasca Clinic and Hospital Heliport

Grand Rapids, Minnesota, United States 92 km (50 nm) SW

small airport marker

Bowstring Airport

Bowstring, Minnesota, United States 93 km (50 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Littlefork Muni/Hanover Airport

Littlefork, Minnesota, United States 93 km (50 nm) NW


seaplane base marker

Turtle Bay Seaplane Base

Cohasset, Minnesota, United States 94 km (50 nm) SW