Airport comments by @Jan_Olieslagers

Comments 1 to 50 of 61

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

Activity status?

A most interesting addition! But I see no runways, should we not mention the field as "closed"?

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


I suspect this field to be closed: it is not mentioned in official documentation, there is a street crossing the runway, and what may have been a "terminal" now seems to be a shop "Bristol".

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


Apparently we must distinguish two aerodromes: on the one hand the former Soviet Air Base, LKML, now closed; on the other hand the active ultralight field LKMILO. I consider adding a separate entry, but it remains confusing. NB: thanks to @Bill35 for pointing out the official CZ VFR flight guide!

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


old cropduster strip, likely disused

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


Looks like the typical socialist-era cropduster strip (An-2!), current activity status unclear

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


This is a bit of a queer aerodrome: first and most of all it serves the helicopters of the Meravo company; but it also has a grass runway for the exclusive use of 4 SEP planes of a local aeroclub.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

re: Appears closed

Reply to @david: so I did mark it as "closed"

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

re: add IATA code

Reply to @espinielli: negative. QGY is not assigned by IATA, cfr their own site

https en publications directories code-search ?

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

re: (no subject)

Reply to @Jan_Olieslagers: that remark was about the original incorrect location. All clear now.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

re: Yearly Event

Reply to @david: The seaplane event has not taken place for many years now, I do not think any seaplane activity remains here. Do we want to keep this entry?

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

re: Great little airport with plenty of action

Reply to @Herbthebird: The AN-2 is NOT the largest biplane ever produced. Look at the HP42 for just one counter-example, or the Vickers Vimy for another. I agree, though, that Grenchen is a very nice airfield; only a bit on the expensive side, like everything in Switzerland.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


ZFC0 is NOT an icao code, icao codes NEVER begin with Z. Then again, not much use arguing about an aerodrome that, to judge by satellite imagery, has long been abandoned.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

is this really an active heliport? It does not look like one, on satellite imagery

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Formerly a Soviet Air Base, now largely abandoned and derelict. Some flying seems to occur, though.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


Looks like it might well be private aka "personal" - always hard to tell from far away.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Why insist on removing it? This is a correct mention of a (no longer active) aerodrome, isn't it?

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Surely this is only a helipad at our already known Aviosuperficie Aerotre?

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Severe restrictions apply - do not fly in blindly!!

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Reportedly the world's second busiest glider field!

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Reported to now also accept larger planes, up to 890 kg,04,20,16,3744136

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Closed according to

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


This is a glider field, apparently. One can well imagine it is now in a kind of hibernation.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

On the same site, or very nearby, there now is "Vouzon le Rabot" aerodrome, LF4131.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

This is quite far from the city of Roverbella - would the Avioportolano be mistaken?

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

According to, the field is closed by the military, but sees some limited civilian activity

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Now again mentioned as operational per

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Reported to be in very poor condition, check

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

I found the IATA code still mentioned at IATA's website, so I added it.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

As of 2017 it DOES seem to be closed, at least it no more figures in the Belgian AIP.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

I checked the frequencies against the AIP, they looked quite OK. Only I removed the FIS - it was, confusingly, called an AFIS :( - because it is useless on a controlled airport like this one.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Very short runway, cross to the prevailing winds, and with dense wood just south. Not for beginners, nor for fast planes. Also, the place is within the CTR of Kleine Brogel Air Base EBKB, thus not normally available on weekdays. PPR absolutely mandatory. Owner is a very friendly and helpful person, but the field is rather spartan.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Reported as being "private" or "only accepting local traffic"

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

double entry

The actual field is a bit to the north west, and is duly mentioned in this database under its correct ICAO code of EDHP.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

This entry is a double for GB-0316, which is however more complete.

Admin pls. remove.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


This entry is a double to RS-0005

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

This entry is a double to RS-0006

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Re-added the ICAO as it is now in the AIP, as found on Eurocontrol.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Apparently this is a seasonal or even occasional ice runway on the Mjรธsa lake.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

I removed it from openstreetmap too, since that mention based upon the authority of ourairports. The dangers of open data sources depending one on the other!

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

(no subject)

Double entry, mr admin pls remove

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

Confusing situation...

This is the western part of the former RAF base, including the North-South runway. It is operated by the Ouse Gliding Club. The Eastern part is operated separately by the "York Flying Club".

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

closed, and yet...

According to official sources, this field is closed; however certain sources seem to indicate landing there is not completely impossible. The NON-OFFICIAL aerodrome database, edition 2015, ( even mentions the availability of AvGas and MoGas.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

Not for the faint of heart...

...this field may be not every pilot's first preference: a runway of only 280 m, at 3080' AMSL, and with a 13% slope.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


Excellent restaurant (or at least, it used to be) La Dรถnzeletta.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

Castelnuovo Don Bosco

This field is home to the ICP factory of ultralight aeroplanes.

There are a couple of bedrooms available for visiting pilots.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


In 2014 I had one of my all-time best meals at the nearby "Il Pilota" restaurant.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


Private field, not open to the public at large.

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers


Notam as found at official authority:



From:21 JUL 15 07:30 Till:19 OCT 15 23:59


Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

new info

Previous comment seems no more valid: the field has now been assigned an ICAO code LFJY and is home to at least one aeroclub.

Info from

Picture of Jan_Olieslagers

MIL use only

...except for the Ju-52's that breed so well.