Airport comments for Kalimantan Selatan (South Kalimantan), Indonesia

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home base

airportnya kumuh

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WAOC: General overview

The runway is privately owned, PPR, without services and not in nav data bases as an airport. It is in good condition, 5800' long by 100' wide. Airport is roughly 35-40' AMSL. Any slope is negligible.

It is served by scheduled ATR42 flight from BDJ, as well as medium and heavy business jets, the latter operating at reduced weights and tire pressure due to PCN concerns.

For further information contact Pegasus OCC 24/7: +62-812-1005-1005

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Please... help

very min person, 5 person to handle all activities in this airport (admin, ticketing, Ground handlin, load seat manifest, very minimum security( just one persen at night and one person in day). The Airport director has no experience in aviation, he has "deaf mute", wont do anything, just come and leave everyday,

Picture of aero


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The Airport is called "Gusti Sjambi Alam" in Indoavis Nusaratan. But simply "Stagen" in Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara.