Airports in Umbria, Italy

Airports 1 to 28 of 28 (by popularity)

medium airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker

Ali Libere

Castelritaldi (PG)

small airport marker

Ciannocio Airfield

Castiglione del Lago (PG)

small airport marker

Titta Airfield

Città di Castello (PG)

small airport marker

Sagrantino Airfield

Gualdo Cattaneo (PG)

small airport marker

San Terenziano Airfield

Gualdo Cattaneo (PG)

small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker

Santa Maria Rossa Airfield

Santa Maria Rossa (PG)

small airport marker
small airport marker