Airports near the Taber NDB-DME (3Z)

Airports 1 to 50

small airport marker

Taber Airport

Taber, Alberta, Canada 0 km (0 nm) W


heliport marker

Taber (Health Centre) Heliport

Taber, Alberta, Canada 4 km (2 nm) S

small airport marker

Vauxhall Airport

Vauxhall, Alberta, Canada 24 km (12 nm) NNE

1 1

small airport marker

Rednek Air Airport

Coaldale, Alberta, Canada 25 km (13 nm) W

closed airport marker

Purple Springs Airport

Purple Springs, Alberta, Canada 26 km (14 nm) SE

closed airport marker


Wrentham, Alberta, Canada 36 km (19 nm) S

small airport marker

Lethbridge / J3 Airfield

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada 41 km (22 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Gunnlaugson Airport

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada 42 km (22 nm) WSW


closed airport marker

Skiff Aerodrome

Skiff, Alberta, Canada 46 km (24 nm) SE

small airport marker

Lethbridge / Anderson Field

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada 46 km (25 nm) WSW

heliport marker

Lethbridge/Chinook Regional Hospital Heliport

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada 48 km (26 nm) WSW

medium airport marker

Lethbridge County Airport

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada 49 km (26 nm) WSW

1 37

small airport marker

Warner Airport

Warner, Alberta, Canada 59 km (31 nm) S


small airport marker

Bow Island Airport

Bow Island, Alberta, Canada 60 km (32 nm) E


small airport marker

Foremost Airport

Foremost, Alberta, Canada 62 km (33 nm) SE

small airport marker

Nemiskam Airport

Foremost, Alberta, Canada 70 km (38 nm) SE

small airport marker

Milk River (Madge) Airport

Milk River, Alberta, Canada 76 km (41 nm) S


closed airport marker

RCAF Station Pearce

Pearce, Alberta, Canada 76 km (41 nm) W

small airport marker

Milk River Airport

Milk River, Alberta, Canada 77 km (41 nm) S


closed airport marker

Coutts Airport

Coutts, Alberta, Canada 84 km (45 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Fort Macleod (Alcock Farm) Airport

Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada 85 km (45 nm) WSW

heliport marker

Brooks (Community Health Centre) Heliport

Brooks, Alberta, Canada 85 km (45 nm) NNE

heliport marker

Canadian Forces Base Suffield Heliport

Ralston, Alberta, Canada 87 km (47 nm) NE

heliport marker

Fort Macleod (Hospital) Heliport

Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada 87 km (47 nm) W


closed airport marker

RCAF Detachment Standoff

Alberta, Canada 88 km (47 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Fort Macleod Airport

Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada 90 km (48 nm) W

1 1

closed airport marker

RCAF Detachment Granum

Granum, Alberta, Canada 90 km (49 nm) W


small airport marker

Brooks Regional Airport

Brooks, Alberta, Canada 91 km (49 nm) N

1 9

closed airport marker

Woodhouse Airfield

Claresholm, Alberta, Canada 92 km (50 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Ross International Airport

Sweetgrass, Montana, United States 93 km (50 nm) S

1 2

small airport marker

Ross International Airport

Coutts, Alberta, Canada 93 km (50 nm) S

2 2

closed airport marker

Pakowki Lake West Airport

Orion, Alberta, Canada 96 km (51 nm) ESE

closed airport marker

Mcdonald's Farm Airport

Vulcan, Alberta, Canada 97 km (52 nm) WNW

heliport marker

Vulcan (Hospital) Heliport

Vulcan, Alberta, Canada 99 km (53 nm) NW

small airport marker

Vulcan / Kirkcaldy Airport

Vulcan, Alberta, Canada 101 km (54 nm) NW

small airport marker

Del Bonita / Whetstone International Airport

Del Bonita, Alberta, Canada 101 km (54 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Vulcan Airport

Vulcan, Alberta, Canada 101 km (54 nm) NW

3 11

small airport marker

Whetstone International Airport

Port of Del Bonita, Montana, United States 102 km (55 nm) SSW

heliport marker

Claresholm (General Hospital) Heliport

Claresholm, Alberta, Canada 102 km (55 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Schlenker Airport

Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada 105 km (56 nm) E

small airport marker

Claresholm Industrial Airport

Claresholm, Alberta, Canada 105 km (57 nm) WNW

2 10

small airport marker

Wild Rose Airport

Vulcan, Alberta, Canada 105 km (57 nm) NW

closed airport marker

Sunburst Airport

Sunburst, Montana, United States 106 km (57 nm) S

closed airport marker

Princess Airport

Princess, Alberta, Canada 106 km (57 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Cardston Airport

Cardston, Alberta, Canada 106 km (57 nm) SW

1 2

heliport marker

US Border Patrol Sunburst Heliport

Sunburst, Montana, United States 106 km (57 nm) S

medium airport marker

Medicine Hat Regional Airport

Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada 106 km (57 nm) ENE

1 27

closed airport marker

Pakowki Lake South Airport

Pendant d'Oreille, Alberta, Canada 107 km (58 nm) SE

heliport marker

Bassano (Health Centre) Heliport

Bassano, Alberta, Canada 109 km (58 nm) N