Comments 51 to 54 of 54
Nice little airport, good fuel prices, but nothing else,no r
Nice little airport, decent fuel prices.
Airpark Living
One of the nicest airparks in the US. Taxiways (grass) are separate from the streets. Driving around you wouldn't even know it's an airpark. Paved and lighted runway. Self-Service fuel.
Good G.A. airport for Boston
This is a good airport for visiting Boston. It's outside of the security zone (no prop locks or security fees), is reasonably inexpensive, and is near two commuter rail lines (the FBO will often give you a lift to the station for free).
Busy GA airport, expensive gas, fees.
🔗 Sat, 21 Jul 2007
— @mars1259 at Laurence G Hanscom Field, United States
Busy GA airport, expensive gas, fees.