Wyoming, United States

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Latest comments about airports in Wyoming, United States

Picture of mikeiaka

Runways closed

Two of the runways, one heading north and one north-west, have X’s on them, since they have them I made those 2 runways closed for now.

Picture of Pilot_1975

Stopped here by chance

What a great "quiet" little place. Stayed the night on a long cross country. Two courtesy cars. Stayed at the Lazy B Motel. Clean, cheap and safe. Afton is what I'd like to see more of in America. Less corporations and more unique mom and pop businesses. Good food at the Elkhorn Cafe. The local talk will be kids, cows and horses. Check out the photo of Jesus holding a shotgun. Only in Afton! :) I will return!

Picture of

Support your airport

This airport has only 6 based airplanes and is losing more every year! The town of Wheatland should do more to promote and take care of this valuable piece of real estate!!! You'll be sorry if it goes away and someone in your family has an emergency and needs a Flight for Life to the nearest trauma center. Phifer Field has the potential to be so much better than it is if the town would only take some interest in it.

Picture of Prof.ATP


unattended, no cell phone reception, large rise in runway to south.

Picture of ptomblin

Wrong ID?

FAA uss WY28 for Pinedale Medical Clinic Helipad.

Picture of Tony

Aviat Aircraft - Husky and Pitts built here

Afton Wyoming, home of the Aviat Aircraft factory. Ask for a tour of the factory and see how Aviat can rebuild a damaged aircraft or update an older model to "better than new".

There is a new FBO here, managed by the former Aviat factory test pilot. I hope to visit on my next trip West and will comment on the service.

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