Comments 51 to 55 of 55
Nice little airport
I grew up around this airport, so it holds a special place in my heart. These days, its a nice little airport with a nice long runway. I hear the cafe is quite good for a home cooked meal.
Wisconsin Aviation - My FBO
This is the FBO I train out of. Great facility, and great instructors. Highly recommend the restaurant located inside as well.
Fun grass strip.
Nice farm strip. Drop in to watch the Sky Ranch Flyers fly R/C. If one of the Hahns is around, you might get a golf-cart tour of the few gopher holes on the field.
Mind the gap!
There's a pretty good dropoff (for the midwest) at the end of 03. With the trees there, the winds can get squirrelly while on final to 21. Not a bad idea to land just a little long on 21.
The turf runway is underused, but decent.
World's busiest airport (for a week every summer)
🔗 Thu, 19 Jul 2007
— @david at Wittman Regional Airport, United States
This airport is normally quiet, but for a week every summer it hosts the annual EAA AirVenture Fly-in (often referred to as "Oshkosh"), and briefly becomes the world's busiest airport by aircraft movements. The fly-in this year is next week, starting on July 23. Here's the web site: