Airport comments for the World

Comments 651 to 700 of 15,474

Picture of medo_h_e

Permanently Closed


Picture of dodullo

Contact phone number

Someone can provide the contact for number of Dobova Airport?

Picture of animebirder

2022 Google Maps imagery

New airfield visible in 2022 GMaps.

Picture of adidas



Picture of adidas

incorrect position

incorrect position

Picture of adidas



Picture of Pugliapilot

re: Aeroporto Scalea: flying in South Italy.

missing the ELIPAD in this area.

Picture of Bohaska


Reply to @mforte: it's not a duplicate

Picture of Bohaska

It's not a duplicate

Idk why he's saying that there's a duplicate, the supposed "original link" actually links back here.

Picture of AeroportoScalea

Aeroporto Scalea: flying in South Italy.


Picture of Bohaska

Satellite imaging

The airport can be seen on Google Maps satellite imagery (, but not on the map here, if you're confused as to why you can't see the airport.

Picture of maltman

Intersting Landing

This is a nice small airport with an interesting final approach and landing due to limited runway length.

Picture of bluesideup_2155


Grass runway

Grass taxiway on RW 27 end leading to a concrete pad

Two hangars. Bigger one available for renting space.

Covered resting area.

Picture of Ibuddy66


Per FAA airport is closed. I personally drove by while it was still listed as opened. I was shocked to discover how horrid it was. There was no maintenance going on. It was actually highly dangerous should a plane think it was safe to land here in an emergency. I contacted the FAA who investigated and determined it was indeed now closed. The owner had passed away and nobody notified the FAA that the airport was closed now so they were unaware. It is now listed as closed through the FAA as well. DO NOT LAND.

Picture of AdventureAviator

This may be defunct

I live in the area and while Foreflight does also recognize this airport, the geolocation is on top of railroad tracks and it is behind a mass transit train station.

Picture of PapaOscar


The runway is in excelent condition. It has an upslope north to south.

The airport looks rather abandoned, with most of the buildings looking like they are falling apart and broken windows. Could be such a nice place.

Picture of PapaOscar


Altough the runway is in good condition, the weeds can be quite rough and tall, due to the restrictions they have in cutting the weeds due to the airfield being inside a natural reserve.

Picture of

can not see heliport

I can not see a visible structure for a heliport, maybe on grass, but not near a swimming pool

Picture of adidas



Picture of adidas



Picture of

can not see heliport anymore

on imagery (Maxar) I can not see a real helipad, but there are new facilities compared to BIng

Picture of adidas



Picture of adidas

incorrect position

incorrect position

Picture of AlanM70

Stopped for fuel

Nicely maintained airport nice fuel station

Picture of AlanM70

Flew up here for an afternoon because Morris is closed

Nice little airport unfortunately no fuel

Picture of

How to add Navaid

There is a navaid in the southwest of the runways. How to add them?

Picture of Sahib


Done some changes to name, type of airport and elevation. Information is from aip

Picture of adeshpa

(no subject)

Looks like a brand new fbo. Great service. As of mid 2022 it’s pricey but I write this with Jet A at $8 at most places

Picture of

can not see heliport anymore

on imagery (Maxar, Bing) I can not see helipad anymore

Picture of TigerFlyer

My favorite small town airport

I have landed here dozens of times to visit the in-laws. The first time was at night! It's a local family that owns it and offers good fuel prices. Tie down near the road or ask if there's hangar space. The paved strip is narrow, but there's lots of grass around it to use if necessary.

Picture of TigerFlyer

Well run and spacious airport

We landed here from Newark NY USA (KEWR) on United AL. Customs was friendly and easy. Take the rental car bus from terminal to the rental car lots. Don't walk or follow signs. Get off at one of five stops, depending on your reservation. Be ready for a long list of expensive car insurance choices.

Picture of TigerFlyer

A wonderful airport for observing aircraft

I base my Grumman Tiger here. The FBO Journey's Aviation is very helpful. There is a place to sit to watch the many aircraft that land and takeoff, including gliders, singles, a few twins, both piston and small jets. There are even occasional parachute jumpers! The fenced in area in front of parking has a mock runway. EAA Chapter 1627 provides Young Eagle flights on spring and summer Saturdays, but sign up in advance at .

Picture of TigerFlyer

Not operational

It's still there with lots of construction equipment on the west end. Apparently it's not operational since 2011. No aircraft seeable.

Picture of david

re: wikipedia reference

Reply to @Seandebasti: Thanks for the correction to my previous comment.

Picture of

wikipedia reference

all your comments with the wikipedia URLs named ".../Spratly_Island" should refer to not to this single island like and except of VN-0005

Picture of rstan


It is an AOE but you need to obtain an Overflight Permission to use it as an AOE

Took us about 20 minutes to clear custom

Very friendly

Picture of rstan

Beautiful Facility and Quick Service

The FBO was fast and efficient

Good Fuel prices and great pilot lounge

Picture of rstan

Great hospitality

Recently visited for fuel and overnight stop

Very helpful and great service

Picture of david

Hurricane damage

From problem report 2021-03-07:

"The rwy lighting is inop. There are steel cable tie downs; bring your own ropes. No fuel, no services; MYAM is closest fuel source. Terminal and fire fighting equip destroyed by hurricane Dorian, however AP is open and customs operates out of a trailer."

Picture of KPC6NDB

NDB NOW 338 Decommissioned

NOTAM M0003/22: Port Angeles CGAS Airport (KNOW)

M0003/22 NOTAMN

Q) ZSE/QNBXX/IV/NBO/AE/000/999/4808N12324W005 A) KNOW B) 2203031735 C) 2205312359


CREATED: 03 Mar 2022 17:35:00


Picture of Amit_St_Andrews

re: The Chileka Club

Maria, this is a very long shot as you left your blog a long time ago, but here name is Amit Som and I went to school with you in St Andrews in 1975. I would be so happy if you could make contact at I have a school photo dating from 1975 that has you in it, I remember you with great fondness and hope you get in touch, or some kind soul puts us in touch. All the best, Amit Som St Andrews Blantyre 1975. ps. I have just met our art teacher John Harris here in England! Fond memories of HE The Life President going by in his motorcade and waiting hours for him...great fun. Please get in touch Maria.

Picture of VitaXIV

Hotel - Restaurant

Relais de l'AΓ©rodrome

Picture of avi58



Picture of avi58



Picture of PapaOscar

Beautiful scenery

The aerodrome is abandoned, but the runway is still in excelent condition.

It has an upslope west to east.

Picture of PapaOscar


Landing fees are around €12,50 per ton.

However, there is a nice restaurant within walking distance from the airfield.

Picture of PapaOscar

Very narrow

The dirt runway has become unusable.

On the east there is quite a big hill, so a straight in is difficult.

The runway is rather narrow, with trees and bushes not far from the runway edge.

Picture of PapaOscar

Obstacle Course

The runway has a huge upslope east to west. The west end of the runway is full of antennas with supporting wires reaching all the way to the runway edge. On the aproach end it is full of windmills so a continuous turn from base to the treshold has to be made.

Picture of DuffmanOz

(no subject)

you can expect one one helicopter a day and usually come in later on into the after noon if not sometimes after dark. The most common aircraft here would be a AW139 (either RACQ or Lifeflight). I have to warn people who wish to watch or even video/photograph anything. It is government and is an active hospital. meaning they will be transporting a patient. If you have the courage to ask security to make sure that they are okay with you being there because usually i have no trouble with the security there but i have been questioned before but that's usually jus to make sure i am not recording anything that may include crew or that patient being transported.

Picture of Silvertooth

re: I Took My Instrument Checkride With Jean

Hello, I came across this website today trying to find out what happened to Rose Aviation at Hawthorne Airport and saw your post. My name is Linda Silvertooth, I am the Linda you mentioned in your post. I worked at Rose from 1977-1981 and have kept in touch with several other friends from those days (Kathy Hesse, Kevin Clover). I knew Jean as the former owner and and as an FAA Pilot Examiner, Art was the owner at the time I was there. Jean passed away in the early 80’s and Art passed away in 2018. I know Claude is gone also but I don’t remember when he passed. I took several check rides from both Jean and Claude…..great people!! I saw Don Pedersen in 2013 at a Rose reunion, he was the Chief of Police for Culver City at that time, but I think he has retired. Were you at Rose Aviation during those years? I went on to work for the FAA for over 35 years and retired in 2020. It was a great time during those days at Rose! Linda